Dog Star

[DogĀ· Star`]

The brightest star in the sky; in Canis Major


Sirius, a star of the constellation Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, and the brightest star in the heavens; -- called also Canicula, and, in astronomical charts, α Canis Majoris. See Dog days.

Sirius, a star of the constellation Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, and the brightest star in the heavens; -- called also Canicula, and, in astronomical charts, / Canis Majoris. See Dog days.

Dog Star

Dog" Star` . Sirius, a star of the constellation Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, and the brightest star in the heavens; -- called also Canicula, and, in astronomical charts, α Canis Majoris. See Dog days.

Sirius, a star of the constellation Canis Major, or the Greater Dog, and the brightest star in the heavens; -- called also Canicula, and, in astronomical charts, α Canis Majoris. See Dog days.


Usage Examples
Misspelled Form

Dog Star, Dog Star, og Star, Dog Star, Diog Star, D9og Star, D0og Star, Dpog Star, Dlog Star, Dig Star, D9g Star, D0g Star, Dpg Star, Dlg Star, Doig Star, Do9g Star, Do0g Star, Dopg Star, Dolg Star, Dofg Star, Dotg Star, Doyg Star, Dohg Star, Dobg Star, Dovg Star, Dof Star, Dot Star, Doy Star, Doh Star, Dob Star, Dov Star, Dogf Star, Dogt Star, Dogy Star, Dogh Star, Dogb Star, Dogv Star, Dog Star, DogStar, Dog Star, Dog Star, Dog tar, Dog Star, Dog Srtar, Dog S5tar, Dog S6tar, Dog Sytar, Dog Sgtar, Dog Srar, Dog S5ar, Dog S6ar, Dog Syar, Dog Sgar, Dog Strar, Dog St5ar, Dog St6ar, Dog Styar, Dog Stgar, Dog Stqar, Dog Stwar, Dog Stsar, Dog Stzar, Dog Stqr, Dog Stwr, Dog Stsr, Dog Stzr, Dog Staqr, Dog Stawr, Dog Stasr, Dog Stazr, Dog Staer, Dog Sta4r, Dog Sta5r, Dog Statr, Dog Stafr, Dog Stae, Dog Sta4, Dog Sta5, Dog Stat, Dog Staf, Dog Stare, Dog Star4, Dog Star5, Dog Start, Dog Starf.


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